Our issues

Our issues

The general perspectives of the association are i) to provide deep understandings on the changes in work in agriculture in relation to the differentiation of farm models (firm, family or community models ; dealing with sustainable intensification or agroecology, global changes (climatic, products and employment markets), sectorial policies evolutions and technological innovations ; ii) to contribute to the design of workforce development systems, to build visibility and attractiveness on professional careers, to promote healthy and decent work; iii) to better integrate workers, working activities, working conditions and skills in the sustainability frameworks and in the design and evaluation of innovations.

Bergère conduisant un troupeau de brebis.  MEURET Michel,  Médiathèque INRA

The main issues that the Association will address are related to:

  • Employment, mobility of workforce at different scales (migrations), remuneration for work and the various statuses of “workers” in agriculture
  • Work in agriculture in a global context, including global chain dynamics and labor market dynamics (structure, regulation, surveys…)
  • The conditions for carrying out a farming activity (the form of work organization, working rhythms and pressures, health at work, work-life balance)
  • Training and evolution of skills, including professional careers, human resources management
  • The professional identities under debate within the farming world and the image of farming occupations outside (with respect to the city, society, the vicinity and one’s own family)
  • Gender, generation and work in agriculture
  • Knowledge gaps, knowledge exchanges between actors, advice and training for the improvement of work efficiency, flexibility and working conditions
  • Innovations (technological, social, market) and farming work