About us

About us


We are a group of researchers engaged on the study of work in agriculture. In a diversity of organizations in different continents and countries, with diverse disciplinary and theoretical approaches, and empirical realities. We are interested in multidisciplinary perspectives and discussions on important practical issues on work in agriculture. Speaking of agriculture include all productions of primary sector (livestock, crops…) and its relations with value chains and advisors services.

Why is it important?

Although work is a relevant theme in agricultural world, its consideration is taken differently all over the world. Researches and empirical reports reveal many imbalances from region to region. We understand that this association is a fruitful arena, essential to share ideas, to improve learning and knowledge flow, and to promote benchmarking in a theoretical and methodological way. From a narrow perspective, agriculture concerns a local network of activities, but globally it assumes much greater perspectives on labor market, labor division, and economic and social dynamics. To understand the dynamics of work in agriculture, production, social life, human action and market need to be taken together. That interaction makes reality more complex and diverse, which deserves a place of discussion and share of identity.

In this section

The IAWA - International Association on Agricultural Work - brings together the research and development community studying agricultural work around the world, with the aim of crossing disciplinary and thematic entries. The aim is to understand, analyse and compare the realities of work and workers in agriculture and to reflect on the future of work.

Concerns on work in agriculture started years ago in different research groups. More and more, overlapping of interests has brought people to work together notably on work in livestock farms or settlements considering either sociological, structural or technical changes.

The general perspectives of the association are i) to provide deep understandings on the changes in work in agriculture in relation to the differentiation of farm models (firm, family or community models ; dealing with sustainable intensification or agroecology, global changes (climatic, products and employment markets), sectorial policies evolutions and technological innovations ; ii) to contribute to the design of workforce development systems, to build visibility and attractiveness on professional careers, to promote healthy and decent work; iii) to better integrate workers, working activities, working conditions and skills in the sustainability frameworks and in the design and evaluation of innovations.