Plenary speakers

Plenary speakers

ISWA March 29th-April 1st, 2021 (Virtual symposium

 Conferences :

Monday 29th  10:30 - 11:15 : "Setting the scene (1)" :

Priscila Malanski : "Mapping the scientific communities on work in agriculture"

Priscila Malanski

Priscila Malanski is an agricultural systems scientist with first degree in agronomy and a PhD in Animal Science (AgroParisTech, France). Currently, she is a post-doctoral fellow at Business Management Department in the State University of Maringa (Brazil) working in partnership with the Science for Development Division in the French National Research Institute for Agriculture Food and the Environnement (INRAE). Her research interest covers human resource management in livestock farming systems, labor issues in agricultural value chains and analysis of scientific knowledge related to work in agriculture. Priscila is the executive secretary of the International Association on Work in Agriculture (IAWA) since its creation in 2017, and member of the Work in Livestock Network (RMT Travail, France).

Monday 29th  3:00 - 3:45 pm : "Setting the scene (2)" :

Peter Wöbst : "Work in agriculture : the FAO perspective"


Peter Wöbst is a Team Leader of the Decent Rural Employment Team under the Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equity Division (ESP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). He also has served as a Senior Programme Advisor of the Management Team of FAO’s Strategic Programme on Rural Poverty Reduction. Before joining FAO, he worked at DG Enterprise and Industry and the Institute for Prospective Technology Studies (DG JRC) of the European Commission. Between 1997 and 2005, Peter has worked for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington where his research focused on macroeconomics and international trade, agricultural sector development, intersectoral linkages, infrastructure improvements, market integration, and the impact of rural development on income distribution and poverty. He has worked extensively with dynamic simulation models for policy impact assessment and was involved in capacity development efforts mainly in sub-Saharan African countries, including collaborative research, training, and teaching. Peter, a national of Germany, holds a Ph.D. (summa cum laude) from the University of Hohenheim, Germany, and an M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Bonn, Germany.


Tuesday 30th  10:30 - 11:15 : "Stimulating and supporting changes (1)" :

Bruno Losch : "What if decent employment in agriculture were hindering effective policies for structural change and jobs ?"


Bruno Losch is a political economist at Cirad (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement - France), Art-Dev joint research unit, and professor at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa, where he leads the Food governance and policy reform program of the Centre of Excellence in Food Security. He was previously co-director of the Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn), South Africa, senior economist at the World Bank, and in charge of Cirad’s Family Agriculture Program. He holds a Master’s in political science and in geography and a Master’s and PhD in economics. He has published extensively in the field of rural studies, family agriculture, public policies, and the political economy of development.


Tuesday 30th  3:00 - 3:45 pm : "Stimulating and supporting
changes (2)" :

Sylvie Cournut, Nathalie Hostiou, Julie Duval, Claire Balay, Jean-Yves-Pailleux : "Work facing multiple changes : what frameworks to accompany the transformations ?" 

Sylvie Cournut, Nathalie Hostiou, Julie Duval, Claire Balay, Jean-Yves-Pailleux. This team of researchers belongs to Joint Research Unit 'Territoires' and members of this team have been carrying out research on work in livestock farms for many years. Sylvie Cournut is an agronomist at VetAgro Sup and carries out research on the transformation of livestock farming systems, taking into account the human pole (work, decisions, social sustainability) of these systems and their insertion in collectives and territories. Nathalie Hostiou is an agronomist at INRAE and carries out research on livestock farmers’ working conditions by considering the current dynamics in agriculture: technical (agro-ecological transition), structural (enlargement of farm size) and technological (precision livestock farming)”. Julie Duval is a researcher at INRAE and carries out research on livestock farmers’ working conditions and the way farmers pilot their farm in (transition towards) agroecological farming systems. Claire Balay is an engineer at VetAgro Sup, an agronomist, and is interested in social sustainability of farms, collective organization and raising awareness amongst student on the topic of work in agriculture. Jean-Yves Pailleux (INRAE) is a technician on work issues and contributes to research on the work system using ergonomics frameworks.

Wednesday 31th  4:15 - 5:00 pm : "Creating jobs (1)" :

Aslihan Arslan : "Creating opportunities for rural youth for inclusive rural transformation"/ "Créer des opportunités d’emploi pour les jeunes pour des transformations rurales inclusives"


 Aslihan Arslan is a Senior Research Economist at the Research and Impact Assessment (RIA) Division of IFAD.  She leads multiple research projects related to agricultural productivity, climate resilience, rural out migration and climate change mitigation potential of agricultural practices promoted by IFAD and others. She also leads a number of impact assessments of IFAD projects related to these themes to assess attributable impact of IFAD projects on productivity, market access, resilience and female empowerment. She co-led the 2019 RDR on Investing in Rural Youth and published multiple articles on youth inclusion in rural transformation.  Prior to joining IFAD in 2017, Aslihan worked as a Natural Resource Economist at the Agricultural Development Economics Division (ESA) of FAO, where she worked primarily on Climate Smart Agriculture. Before that, she worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Economist at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy in Germany, where she conducted research on migration, inequality and poverty, as well as the impacts of trademarking on Ethiopian coffee prices. She holds a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California at Davis, where she specialized on agricultural development and natural resource economics. Her dissertation was an investigation into the subjective values of traditional maize varieties for smallholders in rural Mexico using theoretical and empirical modelling.

Thursday 1rst  10:30 - 11:15 : "Creating jobs (2)" :

Luc Christiaensen : "What can the role of agriculture, as a source of employment, be in the future ? "

Luc Christiaensen


Luc Christiaensen is Lead Agriculture Economist in the World Bank’s Jobs Group and Program Manager of its  Rome Jobs Hub. He has written extensively on poverty, structural transformation and risk in Africa and East Asia, with a recent focus on jobs, migration as well as secondary towns, including in coal transitioning regions in Europe. He co-led the 2019 World Bank Flagship study "Accelerating Poverty Reduction in Africa" and recently co-authored a Food Policy Viewpoint on “The Future of Work in Agri-Food”.  He was Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER in Helsinki, Finland during 2009-2010. He holds a PhD in agricultural economics from Cornell University.

* Closing session

Thursday 1rst  4:30 - 5:00 pm : "Closing session" :

Michèle Boudoin, Sandra Schiavi, Philippe Mauguin


Michèle Boudoin, sheep farmer in the Puy de Dôme (France, near Clermont Ferrand). President of the French Sheep Farmers Union


Sandra Schiavi, economist from São Paulo State University UNESP (Brazil), with Master and PhD. degrees on Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos UFSCar (Brazil) and visitor scholar period at the Kansas State University (USA). Vice president of the International Association on Work in Agriculture (IAWA), she is currently an associate professor at the Department of Business Administration, and the head of the International Cooperation Office at the State University of Maringá, UEM (Brazil). She is also permanent professor at the graduate programs of  Business Administration (PPA UEM) and Economics (PCE UEM), and coordinates and participates in granted research and extension projects with international collaboration, on the fields of Economics of Agribusiness and Value Chains, employment and labor governance.


Philippe Mauguin, President and CEO of INRAE,

Engineer in the Corps of Rural Engineering, Water and Forests, Philippe Mauguin began his career as a research scientist at the Ecole des Mines de Paris.
He becomes successively responsible for agrifood affairs at the Ministry of Research, adviser to the Minister, Director of Agriculture and Bioenergies at the ADEME, director of the scientific group Agriculture for Chemistry and Energy, adviser on agriculture, forestry and food industry to the Prime Minister, Director of the INAO, Director of the Regional and Interdepartmental Agency for Food, Agriculture and Forestry for the Ile-de-France Region, Director of Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture, Chief of Staff of the Minister for Agriculture, Food Industry and Forestry.
He became President and CEO of INRA in 2016 and INRAE in 2020, the result of the merger of INRA and IRSTEA.


* Round Table with experts / Table ronde :

Wednesday 31th  11:45 - 1:00 pm : "The future of work, employment and activités in French Agriculture"
Mercredi 31 mars  11h45 - 13h : "Le futur du travail, de l’emploi et des activités dans l’agriculture française"

Séverine Darsonville, Philippe Lorenzi, Philippe Babaudou, Jean-Noël Depeyrot, Magalie Cayon (speakers / conférenciers)


Séverine Darsonville, is a farmer in Espirat in the Puy-de-Dôme region working on 60 hectares of wheat / maize / maize seeds / sunflower / sugar beet. She recently introduced medicinal crops on her farm (organic lavender and camomile for the distillation of essential oils). She also has horse boarding stables. Séverine Darsonville is a member of the board of the LIMAGRAIN Cooperative (the Limagrain group is the fourth largest seed company in the world).
Séverine Darsonville, est agricultrice à Espirat dans le Puy-de-Dôme sur 60 hectares en blé / maïs / maïs semences / tournesol / betteraves à sucre. Elle a introduit récemment des cultures médicinales sur son exploitation (culture de lavande et camomille en bio destinées à la distillation d’huiles essentielles). Elle a également une pension de chevaux. Séverine Darsonville est membre du bureau de la Coopérative LIMAGRAIN (Le groupe Limagrain est le 4ème semencier mondial).


Philippe Lorenzi, Sales Manager at Allflex Monitoring. An agricultural engineer, Philippe Lorenzi has spent his career in the swine and bovine genetics sectors and in veterinary laboratories. He has been the Sales Manager at Allflex Monitoring France since the end of 2017. Allflex Monitoring develops products that provide information needed to improve animal performance and well-being.
Philippe Lorenzi, est Directeur Commercial d’Allflex Monitoring, et ingénieur agricole. Philippe Lorenzi a passé sa carrière dans les secteurs de la génétique porcine et bovine et dans les laboratoires vétérinaires. Il est depuis fin 2017 le directeur commercial d’Allflex Monitoring France. Allflex Monitoring développe des produits fournissant les informations nécessaires à l’amélioration des performances et du bien-être des animaux.


Philippe Babaudou, 55 years old, I am a farmer in Haute-Vienne south of Limoges. After my training at ENITA (a French national agricultural engineering school) in Clermont-Ferrand (class of 1985-88) and an end-of-course internship at INRA in French Guiana, I took part in monitoring livestock farms through a collaboration between ENITA and ITEB (a French cattle farming technical institute) known as the EBD Network. In 1992, I decided to set up my own activity on a part of the family farm, then teamed up with my brother to jointly run the farm (under a status known as GAEC in France), engaging in: polyculture - breeding of suckler cattle and sheep / arboriculture. I am more particularly in charge of our Limousin cattle, crops and meadows. After several years of trade union responsibilities, at the beginning of the 2000s I actively participated in the creation of a producers' shop in the form of a collective sales outlet in Limoges through which we market 30 to 40% of our production. I served as its president from 2011 to 2020. The farm, which is now organic, produces apples on 10 hectares, and beef (70 suckler cows) and sheep meat (100 ewes) on 145 hectares.
Philippe Babaudou, 55 ans, est paysan en Haute-Vienne au sud de Limoges. Après sa formation à l'ENITA de Clermont-Ferrand (promo 85-88) et un stage de fin d'études à l'INRA de Guyane, il participe à un suivi de fermes d'élevage à travers une collaboration ENITA / ITEB (Réseau EBD). En 1992 il décide de s'installer sur une partie de la ferme familiale, puis en GAEC avec son frère : Polyculture-élevage bovins ovins allaitants / arboriculture. Philippe s'occupe plus particulièrement de la partie élevage des bovins limousins, des cultures et prairies. Après plusieurs années de responsabilités syndicales, il participe activement au début des années 2000 à la création d'un magasin de producteurs sous la forme d'un point de vente collectif à Limoges à travers lequel ils commercialisent 30 à 40 % de leur production. Il en a été le président de 2011 à 2020. La ferme, aujourd'hui en AB, produit des pommes sur une dizaine d'ha, de la viande bovine (70 VA) et ovine (100 BM) sur une superficie totale de 145 ha.


Jean-Noël Depeyrot, is agro-economist, working in the Centre d’Etudes et de Prospectives (Center for studies and foresights), French Ministry of Agriculture. He collaborated in the recent book Actif Agri : changes in employment and activities in agriculture.
Jean-Noël Depeyrot, est agro-économiste, chargé de mission au Centre d'études et de prospective du Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation. Il a notamment collaboré à la rédaction d'un ouvrage collectif consacré au travail en agriculture : Actif'Agri : transformations des emplois et des activité en agriculture.

Magalie Cayon

Magalie Cayon, is in charge of the Professional Risk Prevention Department at CCMSA (Caisse Centrale de la Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA), the central Agricultural Social Insurance Mutual Benefit Fund in France). Trained as an agricultural engineer, she manages the team of national prevention advisers at CCMSA and leads the network of prevention advisers from the 35 MSAs working in collaboration with occupational health teams. She is particularly interested in the following questions: how can the issue of animal welfare benefit the well-being of professionals ? How can agricultural changes and transitions be supported by considering the central position of work? She emphasizes the importance of developing genuinely cooperative partnerships with technical institutes and professional agricultural organisations active in different plant and animal production sectors, and is working to improve the intervention practices used by MSA prevention workers.
Magalie Cayon, est responsable du département Prévention des Risques Professionnels à la CCMSA (Caisse Centrale de la Mutualité Sociale Agricole). Ingénieur agronome de formation, elle manage l’équipe des conseillers nationaux en prévention de la CCMSA et anime le réseau des conseillers en prévention des 35 MSA en lien avec les équipes de santé au travail.Elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux questions suivantes. Comment la question du bien-être animal peut-elle être au service du bien-être des professionnels ? Comment accompagner les mutations et transitions agricoles en prenant en compte la centralité du travail ? Elle insiste sur l’importance de développer de réels partenariats de coopération avec les instituts techniques et organisations professionnelles agricoles des différentes filières végétales et animales, et travaille sur l’évolution des modes d’intervention des préventeurs MSA.

Caroline Depoudent, Nathalie Hostiou (convenors/co-animatrices)


Caroline Depoudent, research officer at the Chambers of Agriculture of Brittany (France) studying work in pig farming. Caroline Depoudent is an agricultural engineer specialized in animal husbandry who has studied the question of work on pig farms for over ten years. She investigates diverse aspects of this issue, such as working hours, reducing physical hardship, attractiveness of pig farming jobs, etc. She shares the results of this research through the agricultural press, technical and scientific workshops, and farmers' meetings. She also jointly runs Work in Agriculture French network gathering French research, extension and education organizations.
Caroline Depoudent, chargée d’études sur le travail en élevage porcin dans les Chambres d’agriculture de Bretagne. Caroline Depoudent est une ingénieure agronome spécialisée en élevage, qui travaille depuis une dizaine d’années sur la problématique du travail dans les élevages porcins. Elle réalise des études sur différents aspects du travail, comme le temps de travail, la réduction de la pénibilité, l’attractivité des métiers de l’élevage porcin, etc. Elle diffuse les résultats de ces travaux via la presse agricole, des journées techniques ou scientifiques, des réunions d’éleveurs… Elle co-anime également le Réseau Mixte Technologique (RMT) Travail en agriculture.


Nathalie Hostiou, (INRAE, France) carries out researches on labour in livestock farming systems in different countries. She studies the consequences of adoption of ecological practices or precision livestock farming on farmers’ work, changes on labour due to employment of wage earner. She co-authored the Quaework approach to qualify work organization and evaluate its efficiency and flexibility with a deep analysis of how livestock farming system management is involved.