Program & plenaries video replays

Program & plenaries video replays

ISWA March 29th - April 1rst, 2021 (Virtual Symposium) The 2nd Symposium welcomes research, education and extension contributions. It proposes conferences ; workshops including oral presentations and poster sessions ; round tables ; participatory discussions and a tool bazard to debate on the different dimensions of work, to explore cross cutting issues, dealing with a deep understanding of the work in agriculture continuities and changes, exploring future scenarios and providing resources for the future.

Monday March 29th, 2021

Opening session : Introduction / program / tools forum "what is startling" ; forum "future of work" (plenary)
Benoit Dedieu (INRAE, IAWA, France)    Replay

"Setting the scene" (1) : Mapping the scientific communities on work in agriculture (plenary)
Speaker : Priscila Malanski (Maringa University, Brasil)    Replay
Chair : Ika Darnhofer (IFSA, BOKU, Austria), Moderator : Jocelyn Fagon (Idèle, France)

Workshops session 1 (parallel)

"Setting the scene" (2) : Work in agriculture : the FAO perspective (plenary)
Speaker : Peter Wöbst (FAO)    Replay
Chair : Alcido Wander (EMBRAPA, Brazil)  / Moderator : Emilie Ollion (Parlezcornes, France) 

Workshops session 2 (parallel)

 * Tuesday March 30th, 2021

Summary of the previous day / Forum "what is startling" (plenary)
with Jim Kinsella (University of Dublin, Ireland)    Replay

"Stimulating and supporting changes" (1) : What if the international focus on decent employment in agriculture were hindering effective policies for structural change and jobs ? (plenary)
Speaker : Bruno Losch (CIRAD, Western Cape University, South Africa)    Replay
Chair : Laura Tall (Ipar, Senegal) / Moderator : Claire Aubron (Institut Agro, Supagro Montpellier, France)

Workshops session 3 (parallel)

"Stimulating and supporting changes" (2) : Work facing multiple changes : what frameworks to accompany the transformations ? (plenary)
Speakers : Sylvie Cournut, Nathalie Hostiou, Julie Duval, Claire Balay, Jean-Yves Pailleux (VetAgro Sup & INRAE, UMR Territoires, France)    Replay
Chair : Thomas Arcury (Wake Forest School of Medicine, USA) / Moderator : Fanny Chretien (AgroSup Dijon, France)

Workshops session 4 (parallel)

Wednesday March 31th, 2021

'Operational tools' / 'Expériences de terrain et outils'

Bilingual day with simultaneous French-English translation

Summary of the previous day / Forum "what is startling" (plenary) / Résumé du jour précédent / Forum « quoi d’étonnant et remarquable » (plénier)
with Mohamed Taher Srairi (University Hassan II, Morocco)    Replay

Operational tools session 1 (parallel) / Outils opérationnels et expériences de terrain session 1 (en parallèle)
Sophie Chauvat (Idèle, France), Carole Jousseins (Idèle, France), Amélie Turlot (CRAW, Belgium)

Round Table with experts : "The future of work, employment and activities in agriculture" / Table ronde avec des experts :  "le futur du travail, de l'emploi et des activités dans l’agriculture française"
Caroline Depoudent (CRA Bretagne, France), Nathalie Hostiou (INRAE, France)

With Jean-Noël Depeyrot (Agro-économiste/Agricultural Economist, The Minister of Agriculture, France), Magalie Cayon (CC MSA), Séverine Darsonville (agricultrice/farmer), Philippe Babaudou (agriculteur/farmer), Philippe Lorenzi (Allflex Monitoring)    Replay en français

Operational tools session 2 (parallel) / Outils opérationnels et expériences de terrain session 2 (en parallèle)
Sophie Chauvat (Idèle, France), Carole Jousseins (Idèle, France), Amélie Turlot (CRAW, Belgium)

"Creating jobs" (1) : Creating opportunities for rural youth for inclusive rural transformation (plenary)  /
"Créer de l’emploi" (1) : Créer des opportunités d’emploi pour les jeunes pour des transformations rurales inclusives (en plénier)
Speaker : Aslihan Arlsan (IFAD)    Replay
Chair : Cécile Detang-Dessendre  (INRAE DS Agriculture, France) / Moderator : Nathalie Girard (INRAE, France)

International Association on Work in Agriculture_IAWA Meeting Session 1    Replay

* Thursday April 1rst, 2021

International Association on Work in Agriculture_IAWA Meeting Session2    Replay

Summary of the previous day / Forum "what is startling" (plenary)    Replay

"Creating jobs" (2) : What can the role of agriculture, as a source of employment, be in the future ? (plenary)
Speaker : Luc Christiaensen (World Bank)    Replay
Chair : Ruth Nettle (Melbourne University, Australia) / Moderator : Xavier Coquil (INRAE, France)

The future of work part 1 : the Scientific Committee contribution(plenary)    Replay
Chair : Anne-Charlotte Dockes (Idèle, France) / Moderator : Priscila Malanski (Maringa University, Brasil)

Presentation 1 : “Decent Work : Considerations for Agriculture”.
Sandra Contzen (Bern University, Switzerland), Marion Beecher (Teagasc, Ireland) et al.

Presentation 2 : “A co evolutionary approach of the future of work in agriculture”.
Benoît Dedieu (INRAE, France) et al. 

Scientific Announcements : events, special issues…    Replay

The future of work part 2 : participatory building (plenary)     Replay

3 parallel workshops with participatory tools to share ideas

Drivers of change & domains of work at stake
Research agenda
Recommandations for education, extension & public policies

Chair : Anne-Charlotte Dockes (Idèle, France)

Closing session    Replay
Michèle Boudoin (farmer, FNO, France)
Sandra Schiavi (Maringa University, IAWA, Brasil)
Philippe Mauguin (President of INRAE, France)