




  • International Symposium on Work in Agriculture - ISWA 
  • Agir dans les territoires sur les conditions d’un allongement de la vie professionnelle
  • Femmes et territoires ruraux en Europe
  • L'autonomie en entreprise

Call for Papers

  • ERSA 2021 
  • 31st International Conference of Agricultural Economists
  • SASAE - South African Society for Agricultural Extension
  • Annual Symposium in Labour Economics 
  • Société française d'économie rurale
  • Les mondes agricoles face au problème des pesticides. Pollutions, alternatives et négociations
  • Les mondes agricoles face au problème des pesticides
  • Covid-19, migrations et parcours


  • A Comparison of Pesticide Risk Beliefs between Farmers and Farmworkers: Implications for Risk Communication and Education 
  • How Vulnerable Are U.S. Crop Workers?: Evidence from Representative Worker Data and Implications for COVID-19 
  • Smallholder farmer perceptions about the impact of COVID-19 on agriculture and livelihoods in Senegal 
  • Female farmers in the United States: Research needs and policy questions
  • Gender, place, and agricultural extension: a mixed-methods approach to understand farmer needs in Liberia
  • Building and transforming collective agency and collective identity to address Latinx farmworkers’ needs and challenges in rural Vermont 
  • The new American farmer: Immigration, race, and the struggle for sustainability 
  • Education attainment and employment situation of out-of school persons in the 14–17 years age cohort in Uganda 
  • Social-ecological analysis of timely rice planting in Eastern India
  • Early effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on the African dairy industry: Cases of Burkina Faso, Kenya, Madagascar, and Senegal
  • Processes of socio-spatial exposures and isolations among Polish labour migrants in rural Norway: Exploring social integration as a lived experience
  • Organized denial at work: The difficult search for consistencies in French pesticide regulation
  • Immediate impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on bean value chain in selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on apple orchards in Europe 
  • The farm worker and the ‘drift to the land’. Roots, routes, opportunities and constraints to career pathways in farming
  • Analysis of adoption trends of in-parlor technologies over a 10-year period for labor saving and data capture on pasture-based dairy farms
  • Labour Migration, Vulnerability, and Development Policy: The Pandemic as Inflexion Point? 
  • Women participation in fish processing and packaging in rural communities of Delta State, Nigeria
  • Linking Datasets to Characterize Injury and Illness in Alaska’s Fishing Industry
  • Working conditions and labor flexibility in non-family farms: weather-based labor management by Japanese paddy rice corporations
  • Keeping the farm business in the family: the case of farm and non-farm family businesses in the midwestern United States 
  • Food Systems in Africa : Rethinking the Role of Markets
  • Improving occupational safety and health in the global coffee value chain in Honduras: Drivers and constraints
  • Robot-ready: How apple producers are assembling in anticipation of new AI robotics
  • L’activité agricole, une ressource pour la circulation ou l’ancrage des migrants ? Exploration bibliographique du lien entre agriculture et migration en France
  • Le travail en perspectives
  • Quels effets sur le travail des éleveurs bovins laitiers de l’adoption de pratiques agroécologiques dans l’Ouest de la France ?
  • Conditions de travail dans les grandes exploitations laitières françaises 
  • Análise da Fadiga Muscular em Operadores de Tratores do Oeste Catarinense