




  • Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo no 15

Call for Papers

  • Virtual issue on “Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM): modelling new technologies, applications and frontiers”
  • Les cinq sens au travail
  • Agriculture et développement durable dans le contexte de la pandémie de covid-19
  • Politiques de la machine agricole
  • Mental Health and the Labour Market
  • The Conversation needs you!

ISWA - Workshop - Health and Work in Agricultural Activities

  • Work Safety Culture of Latinx Child Farmworkers in North Carolina, USA
  • Agricultural wastes used to address health hazards: Banana peels turned adsorbent for Heavy metal removal from irrigation waters along Nakivubo channel in Kampala, Uganda
  • The distribution of physical effort across gender: Evidence from agricultural households in Malawi
  • How to transform pesticides exposure of agricultural workers ?: Towards a prevention process centered on developing the leeway of people at work
  • Hierarchy of general principles of prevention: an analytical framework for linking occupational health and technical choice in agriculture
  • Multidisciplinary approach ergonomics and law: a resource to improve the design of agricultural equipment and to reduce the risks of pesticide exposure
  • Working load in organic egg production with mobile chicken coops
  • Empirical evidence on factors influencing farmers’ administrative burden: A structural equation modeling approach
  • Wellbeing and societal alienation among farmers: the case of Flanders, Belgium


  • How agroecological farming practices reshape cattle farmers’ working conditions
  • Does road accessibility benefit rural poor? Evidence on the extent of household off-farm employment
  • A multidimensional perspective on child labor in the value chain: The case of the cocoa value chain in West Africa
  • Socio-Demography, Working Conditions, and Musculoskeletal Ailments among Pineapple Farmers in Northeast India
  • Health-Related Exposures and Conditions among US Fishermen
  • COVID-19 Awareness and Preparedness of Minnesota and Wisconsin Dairy Farms
  • Understanding farm generational renewal and its influencing factors in Europe
  • Commentary: Agricultural racial capitalism and rural migrant workers
  • Migrant labour in the UK’s post-Brexit agri-food system: Ambiguities, contradictions and precarities
  • Occupational Safety and Health Education Experience and Prevention Service Needs among South Korean Farmers: A National Survey
  • Improving the measurement of rural women ́s employment: Global momentum and survey priorities
  • The embodied precarity of year-round agricultural work: health and safety risks among Latino/a immigrant dairy farmworkers in New York
  • What about the Rest of Them? Fatal Injuries Related to Production Agriculture Not Captured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI)
  • Capitalist agriculture, COVID-19 and agrarian labour relations in Punjab, India
  • Nature and Dynamics of Farm Labour Work: A Case Study of Cotton in the Indian Punjab
  • From Working in the Fields to Taking Control. Towards a Typology of Women's Decision-Making in Wheat in India
  • Employment in Crisis : The Path to Better Jobs in a Post-COVID-19 Latin America
  • Reverse migration to rural areas of origin in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Food security, nutrition, and ending child labour in agriculture for recovery and resilience
  • Youth Inspiring Youth in Agriculture
  • La historia de la familia y la demografí-a histórica en la Europa rural, siglos XVI-XVIII
  • Subjetividade e trabalho: entre mal-estar e bem-estar
  • Os debates entre a história e a psicologia: um recurso para compreender a atividade em situação de trabalho
  • Efeito do crédito do BNDES para a geração de empregos agroindustriais no Brasil
  • Entre vulnérabilité et résilience : le vécu de la pandémie de Covid-19 dans deux sociétés oasiennes du Maghreb