



  • With decent work and a sustainable model aquaculture could feed the world 
  • ILO Director-General Guy Ryder's message on International Migrants Day 2021
  • DairyNZ is relieved the Government has listened to its call to allow more dairy farm assistants into New Zealand in January 2022
  • UN agencies and other international organizations establish Joint Action Group to protect transport workers and secure supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Recreational cannabis legalization increases employment in counties with dispensaries
  • ImpaCT.AR 58: Cuantificación y caracterización de los mercados de trabajo de actividades de base agraria para la gestión de políticas públicas
  • Stemming the tide of invasive weeds with herbicide capsules
  • Recensement de l’agriculture de 2020 : une agriculture en mutation, qui se renouvelle ; une production locale et de qualité