travail Ghana
Newsletter December

Newsletter December

- Mapping the Research into Mental Health in the Farming Environment: A Bibliometric Review from Scopus and WoS Databases - More than meat? Livestock farmers’ views on opportunities to produce for plant-based diets - Between on-site and the clouds: Socio-cyber-physical assemblages in on-farm diversification - The importance of cross-scale social relationships for dealing with social-ecological change in agricultural supply chains - Agricultural Worker Perspectives on Climate Hazards and Risk Reduction Strategies


-  Part-time dairy farm employees - developing mutually beneficial working relationships

-  New sustainable business and production models for farmers and rural communities

-  Comprehensive Skills Training and Veterinary Services Elevate Lebanon's Dairy Farms for Decent Work

-  Measuring and improving women’s empowerment in agrifood governance (WEAGov) – Insights from the workshop in Nigeria

-  Comment répondre aux enjeux de l’agriculture de demain grâce à la formation ?

-  Cultivating Leadership and Managerial Effectiveness among Female Policy Practitioners: AWARD’s tool in fostering gender-responsive agri-food policies in Africa

-  Pour l’employabilité des jeunes au Sénégal : l’ISRA et ses partenaires lancent le projet “DIANGA”

-  Mutual benefits - Cork tillage and dairy farmers work together

-  Bien Vivre Son Travail, être acteur de son épanouissement professionnel

-  Parceria Histórica entre ABERGO e TRT 12 para a Prevenção de Acidentes do Trabalho

-  Winners of 2023 ILO Global Media Competition on Labour Migration announced

-  Gros plan sur... La thèse d’Anaïs Echchatbi, sur le travail d’organisation du marché dans des filières céréalières alternatives

-  Improving opportunities and working conditions for older workers can bolster pension system sustainability and address labour market shortages

-  Harnessing the potential of the Youth in Shaping Sustainable Food Systems

-  Viewing labour as an asset not a cost

-  Ensuring good governance in agri-food system crucial

-  El fomento de la inclusión laboral de las personas migrantes debe ser prioridad en el abordaje de la migración

-  Celebrating 75 Years of Human Rights and Labour Advocacy



-  Workers and the climate challenge: launch of HesaMag#28

-  Registration Open for Free Suicide Prevention Webinars

-  Promoting the rights of migrants as workers

-  Rencontres "Retour à la terre et féminin"

-  Agriculture must work to meet skills and labour shortages

-  2023 World Agri-Food Innovation Conference

-  [Replay] Une contribution de l'ergonomie à la prévention du risque pesticides en milieu viticole

-  [Replay] Travailleurs migrants : études de cas dans l'agriculture européenne


Call for Papers

-  Appel à communications – Journées Internationales de Sociologie du Travail

-  ERSA2024: Call for Abstracts is OPEN!

-  Oportunidade de Publicação: Revista Luso-Brasileira em Design e Ergonomia Abre Chamada para Artigos

-  Appel à communications pour le colloque "sens du travail"



-  Mapping the Research into Mental Health in the Farming Environment: A Bibliometric Review from Scopus and WoS Databases

-  More than meat? Livestock farmers’ views on opportunities to produce for plant-based diets

-  Between on-site and the clouds: Socio-cyber-physical assemblages in on-farm diversification

-  The importance of cross-scale social relationships for dealing with social-ecological change in agricultural supply chains

-  Agricultural Worker Perspectives on Climate Hazards and Risk Reduction Strategies

-  “A little bit obsessed with the weather”: Leveraging Australian farmers’ online weather practices to inform the design of climate services

-  Building Capacity Through the Northeast Agricultural Safety and Health Coalition

-  Las culturas de riesgo de los trabajadores avicolas rurales del Uruguay

-  Le conflit éthique environnemental au travail

-  Una propuesta de transferencia de politicas Sur-Sur: transferencia de la ley nacional de garantia del empleo rural Mahatma Gandhi a la región latinoamericana

-  Reseña de Norma Helen Juárez (2022). Reconfiguración agroecológica. Teoria y redes de actores en la agricultura alternativa en Jalisco

-  Injuries Among Hispanic/Latinx Agricultural Workers Seen in Illinois Hospitals

-  Using Partnerships and Multiple Data Sources to Surveil Agricultural Injuries: Considerations and Recommendations

-  Understanding Stakeholder Dissemination Preferences for an Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Injury Surveillance System

-  Diversidade de canais curtos de comercialização com participação de agricultores familiares: relevância de modalidades tradicionais como feiras do produtor e inovadoras como grupos de WhatsApp

-  “Ici on vit plus simplement”

-  “Sortir de l’ordinaire”

-  Madeleine Sallustio, À la recherche de l’écologie temporelle. Vivre des temps libérés dans les collectifs néo-paysans autogérés : une analyse anthropologique

-  Jean Foyer, Aurélie Choné et Valérie Boisvert (dir.), Les esprits scientifiques. Savoirs et croyances dans les agricultures alternatives

-  Éclairage sur l’installation aidée en agriculture

-  Refuser de travailler pour les entreprises polluantes : la conscience écologique des étudiant·es de l’élite scolaire face à leurs valeurs du travail

-  Des reconversions professionnelles en train de se faire vers le maraîchage biologique

-  Agriculteurs et salariés agricoles mis en (in)capacité dans le débat sur les pesticides

-  L'engagement au travail de petit·es producteur·rices biologiques : (Ré)ajuster les pratiques de care au quotidien

-  How do agricultural advisory services meet the needs of farmers? Applying Q-methodology to assessing multi- stakeholders’ perspectives on the pluralistic advisory system in Ontario, Canada

-  Assessing the digital transformation in agri-food cooperatives and its determinants

-  The impact of natives’ attitudes on refugee integration

-  To adapt or not to adapt, that is the question. Examining farmers’ perceived adaptive capacity and willingness to adapt to sustainability transitions

-  Uses and abuses of farmers’ emotional well-being: Policy story-lines and the politics of the rural

-  ‘It adds stress:’ Sask. farmers react to amended carbon tax relief bill

-  The places we'll go: How have rural residents changed over time?

-  The Potential of AI and ChatGPT in Improving Agricultural Injury and Illness Surveillance Programming and Dissemination

-  Work and social reproduction in rural India: Lessons from time‐use data

-  Ouvrage "Que sait-on du travail ?"

-  Miradas feministas sobre el sindicalismo rural en la producción de limones en Tucumán (Argentina) 

-  Understanding diversity in gender norms within farming communities: A Q-methodology approach applied in Uganda

-  Farmers’ Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Chronic Fatigue