Newsletter January

Newsletter January

More than 50 articles, news congresses, calls and publications on work in agriculture

- L’élevage connecté : une transformation en cours
- Climate change adaptation means rights for workers
- Agrotóxicos no Brasil: uma herança colonial e os desafios da resistência agroecológica
- Ruée vers la migration circulaire en Espagne : La jeunesse à l'appel des champs du désespoir
- Santé mentale des agriculteurs irlandais : perception des dispositifs d’aide et propositions
- Références sur la Monotraite en Bio en Normandie
- Les clés pour attirer et garder ses salariés dans son entreprise
- Reducing spring workload pressures on dairy farms
- Vers des emplois décents en agriculture en Afrique de l’Ouest : La Conférence internationale de Dakar ouvre la voie à un avenir durable basé sur des données probantes
- Highlights from Livestock, Gender, and Agency Amid Conflict in Ethiopia
- Chauffeur cuma la christophine : rencontre avec Sylvain Poupelin
- Méagui : Les syndicats agricoles renforcés pour lutter contre le travail des enfants au cours d’un atelier
- Interview avec Mohamed Taher Sraïri : « L’agriculture marocaine doit se réinventer »
- Énergies renouvelables : un enjeu pour les cuma
- Eco-féminisme et viticulture : une explication par les parcours

Congress and conference
- Le vieillissement dans les campagnes françaises : Recompositions et représentations
- Rethinking generational renewal: the European agricultural workforce in a changing world
- ESRS Congress 2025

Call for Papers
- « Temps et rythmes du travail agricole »
- IFAMA 2025 Symposium
- 63º Congresso da SOBER
- Working Conditions of Seasonal Workers on Alpine and Mountain Farms – #IMC: International Mountain

- The transnational agricultural care chains of migrant farmworkers: land, livelihoods, and social reproduction
- “Lacking the rural empathy”; Irish farmers' and stakeholders’ opinions on current mental health services and preferences for support - ScienceDirect
- Large language models impact on agricultural workforce dynamics: Opportunity or risk?Redirecting
- Quel impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur les métiers en agriculture ?
- Digital economy, labor force transfer, and high-quality agricultural development
- Sociotechnical imaginaries for Canadian agri-food futures: a farmer survey
- La notion de régulation dans l’analyse de l’activité
- Investigation of Observational Techniques Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Farmers - A Systematic Review
- Land Degradation's Influence on Livelihoods of Small-Scale Farmers and Land Care Workers in Ladybrand, South Africa
- Does multiple job holding raise labour use efficiency of the farm operators? Evidence from rural India
- [Informe] Producir y reproducir la vida. Mujeres rurales y cuidados en el área del Gran Chaco argentino
- Pastoral hazardscapes in Aotearoa New Zealand: gender, land dispossession, and dairying in a warming climate
- (In)visible newcomers: Foreign workers and internal urban-rural migrants in Japan's countryside
- “It's one thing after another, after another”: A participatory and systems-based exploration of farmer mental health and climate change
- 'Implementation of bio...what?' Farm workers' subjectivities in Spanish dairy cattle farms through an ethnographic approach
- L’organisation du travail agricole des agriculteurs pluriactifs en Nord-Pas-de-Calais
- The Sixth International Fishing Industry Safety and Health Conference (IFISH 6): Safety, Health, and Wellbeing in a Changing World
- Exposure to Oil Spill Among Fishers on the Brazilian Coast in 2019/2020
- " A veces no aguantas lo pesado que es el trabajo": A qualitative study on work conditions, labor and social policies, and health among Latino agricultural workers in Washington State
- Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Work Safety for Contractors in Norwegian Fish Farming
- Reports on Work‐Related Injury and Diseases in Brazilian Aquaculture from Industry Participants