tracteur vietnam
Newsletter May

Newsletter May

News - Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ? - Sustainable Transition of the Rural Economy Through Generational Renewal - Structures of Consumption and Professional Identity: An Analysis of the French Household Budget Survey - Does off-farm work induce farmland abandonment? Evidence from China - Changing land and labour relations on cocoa farms in Sefwi, Ghana: Continuity and change Congress - 57th South African Society for Agricultural Extension Annual Conference - Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ? Publications - Measuring the quality of a match

- Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ?
- Sustainable Transition of the Rural Economy Through Generational Renewal
- Structures of Consumption and Professional Identity: An Analysis of the French Household Budget Survey
- Does off-farm work induce farmland abandonment? Evidence from China
- Changing land and labour relations on cocoa farms in Sefwi, Ghana: Continuity and change
- Webinaire "VICTOR – Viandes et Circuits Courts : zoom sur la dimension travail"
- Signpost Series - The Inishowen Uplands EIP: A whole farm approach to sustainable farming
- Transforming public food procurement: Stakeholder understandings of barriers and opportunities for more
localised procurement
- Psychosocial risks, sexual harassment and gender-based violence
- Stakeholder workshop on monitoring food systems for healthy and sustainable diets & recent research
findings on smallholder commercial farming in Rwanda May 16-17, 2024
- [Artículo] ¿Por qué los trabajadores del Astillero Río Santiago lograron evitar el cierre y la privatización?
Memorias para la resistencia (1990-1992) / Juliana Yantorno y Gastón Noval
- Child Labour Statistics (CHILD database)
- Labour Market-Related SDG Indicators (ILOSDG database)
- Labour Force Statistics (LFS, STLFS, RURBAN databases)
- Resisting coloniality in agriculture: A decolonial analysis of Florida’s agricultural migrant workers’ experiences
- Why health truly is wealth for farmers
- Better livestock production improves family well-being and acts against climate change in Uruguay
- Les facteurs de pénibilité physique au travail
- Newsletter RMT Travail en Agriculture n 70
- 57th South African Society for Agricultural Extension Annual Conference
- Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ?
- Measuring the quality of a match
- Qualitative Study to Explore the Occupational and Reproductive Health Challenges among Women Tobacco
Farm Laborers in Mysore District, India
- IJERPH, Vol. 21, Pages 606: Qualitative Study to Explore the Occupational and Reproductive Health Challenges
among Women Tobacco Farm Laborers in Mysore District, India
- Resisting coloniality in agriculture: A decolonial analysis of Florida’s agricultural migrant workers’ experiences
- Labor shortages and agricultural trucking rates
- Wellbeing and collective grievances among farmers: The case of Flanders, Belgium
- Transforming labour around food? the experience of community supported agriculture in Italy
- Can North Carolina small rural farms succeed equally? Quantifying racial and gender disparities in acres,
markets, and incomes