2024 Webinar work and employment in agriculture in Africa

WEBINAR: "What about work and employment in agriculture in Africa?"

05 December 2024

Webinar [Replay]

The International Association on Work in Agriculture (IAWA) and the work – employment task force of the TSARA initiative propose a webinar to share with you an overview of the current researches on work and employment in agriculture in Africa. Based on a 10 years literature review and on keynote presentations, the webinar will introduce and put into discussion the major topics attached to work and employment, in a continent, Africa, which experiences a huge demographic increase and questions its development models. The ability of the agricultural sector to provide quality jobs for all in the future notably youth and women, is at stake.



What about work and employment in agriculture in Africa?

Que dit la recherche du travail et de l’emploi en agriculture en Afrique ? 

December 5th, 2024


Introduction B. Dedieu (IAWA – TSARA)  introduction

Work and employment in agriculture in the context of structural change in Africa / Le travail et l'emploi dans l'agriculture au prisme de la transformation structurelle en Afrique. Dr JM. Sourisseau (CIRAD, France)  cirad Work employmentStructural Change
(watch the sequence at 9'14)

What about work and employment in agriculture in Africa: a systematic review of literature 2012 – 2023 / Que dit la recherche du travail et de l’emploi en agriculture en Afrique : une revue systématique de littérature 2012 – 2023. G Enderly (INRAE-Cortext, France), Prof. MT Sraïri (Rabat University, Morocco)  Scientometric study
(watch the sequence at 36'51)

Youth participation in agriculture in Africa / la participation des jeunes dans l’agriculture en Afrique. Dr W. Geza and Pr D. Mabhaudhi (Univ. KwaZulu Natal, South Africa)  Youth participation
(watch the sequence at 1:03:56)

How and why large-scale agricultural land investments do not create long-term employment benefits: A critique of the 'state' of labour regulations in Ghana / Comment et pourquoi les investissements à grande échelle dans les terres agricoles ne créent pas d'emplois à long terme : Une critique de « l'état » de la réglementation du travail au Ghana. Dr A.Y. Gyapong (Ghana)  labour regulations in Ghana
(watch the sequence at 1:34:19)

Low levels of knowledge and practice of occupational hazards among flower farm workers in Southern Shewa zone: Ethiopia: a cross sectional analysis/ Faibles niveaux de connaissance et de prévention des risques professionnels chez les ouvrières agricoles de la floriculture dans la zone de Shewa Sud : Ethiopie : une analyse transversale. Dr M. Alemayehu (Univ. Gondar (Ethiopia)  occupational_hazards
(watch the sequence at 1:58:00)

Discussion and perspective:
- what interested you most ? Synthesis by P Girard (CIRAD, France) (2:24:46)
- What is missing, What are the gaps? Synthesis by F Dzanku (ISSER, Senegal) (2:29:40)
-What would you like to explore in relation with works and employment? Synthesis by T. Bakker (CIRAD, currently based at Benin) (2:34:05)

Conclusion. N Hostiou (Inrae, France)
(watch the sequence at 2:38:56)

Contact: Benoit.dedieu@inrae.fr ; isabelle.avelange@inrae.fr